Friday, August 04, 2006

Bible Games - a start

A first post on another new weblog. I've started work on a new website to distribute games and puzzles to help people learn more about the Bible.

My rationale is simple enough. If you believe there is a Divine Author who has inspired over 40 authors on 3 continents over many generations to write a collection of 66 books - and that through these 66 volumes, there is a coherent, consistent story running - a story that demonstrates how a Holy, eternal God broke through into our world to communicate with fallible, sinful humans like us.

If you believe that, then understanding the message of that book is vitally important to you.

But - it isn't enough to just sit down and read it.

To get the most out of it, you need to let its message permeate each part of your being.

That's where games and puzzles come in.

Many of us learn more by doing - by being actively involved in something, rather than just being a passive recipient. Games and puzzles based on Biblical content are useful tools for this.


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